
Has the Hayne Royal Commission been designed to ignore the most significant issues of financial harm affecting Australians?

Summary : The government, financial services industry and mainstream media have created a completely false impression that the Hayne Royal Commission is an inquiry into the most significant issues of financial harm affecting Australians. Consequently, pretending there's a chance the big issues will be addressed. But the biggest issues are being ignored, thanks to the narrow terms of reference focusing on misconduct, conservative approach of the Royal Commission, and a lack of understanding that the major problems with neoliberal capitalism are its currently-legal predations and its unsuitability to provide services that have a goal other than profit.

The Future of Capitalism - Paul Collier

Summary :  The Future of Capitalism : "From world-renowned economist Paul Collier, a candid diagnosis of the failures of capitalism and a pragmatic and realistic vision for how we can repair it. Deep new rifts are tearing apart the fabric of the United States and other Western societies: thriving cities versus rural counties, the highly skilled elite versus the less educated, wealthy versus developing countries. As these divides deepen, we have lost the sense of ethical obligation to others that was crucial to the rise of post-war social democracy."

The Value of Everything - Making and Taking in the Global Economy (Quotes)

Summary : The name of this blog comes from this book by Mariana Mazzucato which is essential reading. "Who really creates wealth in our world? And how do we decide the value of what they do? In modern capitalism, value-extraction - the siphoning off of profits, from shareholders' dividends to bankers' bonuses - is rewarded more highly than value-creation- the productive process that drives a healthy economy and society. We misidentify takers as makers, and have lost sight of what value really means."

Submission on Interim Report of the Royal Commission into Misconduct in Financial Services

Summary : The essence of my submission is that the approach taken by the Interim Report - which presumes existing laws are largely sufficient and focuses on how to minimise future breaches of them - will not address the broadest and most significant adverse impacts of the financial services industry on Australians, especially on those most vulnerable and least financially savvy. Misconduct is just the tip of a much larger iceberg of adverse impacts of the financial services industry on Australians. It is entirely feasible to operate "efficiently, honestly and fairly" within existing Australian laws and industry codes and primarily extract wealth from people rather than create value for them and be compensated for it. The key big picture issue is that modern capitalism is plagued by currently-legal activities whose core purpose is to extract value rather than create it.